How to Take Care of Your Swimming Pool Tiles?

Everyone looks forward to visiting places with a swimming pool. Imagine, will they dive in a swimming pool that is not clean?

Taking care of swimming pool tiles is as essential as any other tiles. Rather more important, you need your visitors to feel content so that they come again. Most swimming pool owners install porcelain tiles, as they are easy to clean and maintain.

Still, you need to make some efforts to take good care of the tiles. And taking care of swimming pools also includes cleaning the tiles on regular intervals. Thus, in this blog, we will talk about the tips for cleaning and taking care of your swimming pool tiles.

The major problem most swimming pools face is calcium build-up. You can use a soft brush and a mixture of water & vinegar to get rid of the light layer of calcium. Alternatively, you can use a solution of muriatic acid and water. However, you must be careful while using these solutions.

Further, you can pressure wash your swimming pool floor tiles. This one is the easiest. You can clean with this method anytime you want. After some time of cleaning, it is open for visitors. Additionally, you must take care of one more aspect of this cleaning method. You cannot pressure wash any cracked or loose tiles. Otherwise, those tiles may get worse.

Lastly, you must take care of the grouts, which often witness algae growth. You can start by scrubbing the grouts with a stiff brush to remove algae growth. Post which, you can rub a chlorine tablet on the grouts to prevent regrowth.

Read More: How to Select the Right Tiles for Your Swimming Pool?

To sum up, maintaining swimming pool tiles is vital not just to please visitors but also for keeping tiles the same as new ones for years. You may not want to pay for the porcelain tiles price again and again. Thus, take good care of your swimming pool tiles with these techniques.
